How To

DIY Super Easy Accent Wall

Cheap and Easy Decorating with Vinyl Stickers

I’d been trying to figure out how to decorate a very difficult wall that has two windows and a TV against it, creating a weird space to hang anything. I thought an accent wall would be so cute, but didn’t want to take on the task of more permanent options like painting or wallpaper. I did this project a while ago, but people are always asking me about it, so I figured it was time to share!

I found a ton of cute options for vinyl sticker packs in different shapes and colors but ended up getting these black hearts. After about $30 and a few hours of decorating, I had a new accent wall that made my room feel brand new.

The Process

I started by pulling everything away from the wall and measuring where I wanted to place the stickers. The hearts I had were 4 inches each, so I decided to put them 12 inches apart horizontally and 10 inches apart vertically.

To do this, I started in the top corner marking a 4 inch area with a pencil on the wall and measured downward making another mark every 10 inches. I wanted the heart stickers to be staggered rather than in straight lines, so I went back to the top corner and in between the first two boxes (at the 5 inch point), I measured 12 inches horizontally and marked a 4 inch area. I continued this pattern until the grid filled my entire wall. This was the most tedious and time consuming part, mostly because I continuously checked and double checked my markings to make sure they were even and accurate.

Once I had my wall filled with pencil outlines I started putting the stickers in their spots. This part was easy. I definitely put a few on crooked and out of line, but it was super easy to peel them off and reapply them in the right spots. I had purchased two packs of 36 stickers (without first measuring or deciding on how I wanted to space them) so when I was nearly done filling my wall, I ran out of stickers. I ordered another two packs, you know, just in case, but only ended up using about half of one. Amazon is fast, but not same night fast, so this created a bit of a delay in the process.

The Results

These photos are from around two years ago when I initially did the wall, but they still look amazing and I still absolutely love them.

I have a habit of redoing my room frequently. Normally I can enjoy my decor for a couple months before I get the itch to allow HGTV and Pinterest to completely take over my mind, body, and soul, which is why I wanted something I could easily change (but also something I wouldn’t necessarily have to change which is why I chose black). However, the heart vinyl stickers have withstood the test of time.

Cass ♡

Founder of Saving Serendipity. Spread love. Seek knowledge. Share ideas. Subscribe to blog

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