DIY How To

How To Get Your Sh*t Together

Ahhh yes, that hazy time post-Christmas but before New Year when my brain turns into mush and all the days blur into one. The longest week that is composed of the shortest days is a confusing time.

I have found the perfect thing to get you through this twilight zone existential crisis. GET YOUR SH*T TOGETHER! It sounds hard, maybe even impossible, I know. But trust me, I have some simple things that will help you get organized in a jiffy. You’ll be back and better than ever, but only if you want it.

Here’s how you’re going to take the world head-on and win:

  • Get an interactive planner
  • Calendars!! One for your wall and one on your phone
  • Utilize reminders on your phone
  • Keep a notepad nearby
  • Have doubles of stuff you use often
  • Maintain a clean living space
  • Be able to say NO

All of these things are super easy to do, and with consistency, it will help you get your life together, and keep it that way.

Get an interactive planner
There’s something about physically writing things out that is just better than typing them. You remember better and it’s more tailored to you. Planning your weeks out in as much detail as possible is more beneficial than you might think. I like to color-code for different areas of my life like school, work, friends, family, etc. It makes it easy to glance and see what you need to prioritize at the moment. Stickers and highlighters also work. Whatever is most effective for you. Use something that is easy to look at and organize so you are as productive as possible. I also love sticky notes for if I need to add something in or to work as a last-minute reminder.

Calendars!! One for your wall and one on your phone
Planners and calendars are different. Calendars allow you to plan out your months as a whole, rather than each day in detail. Some of the information may overlap, but the calendar shouldn’t have as much. I like to put appointments, events, and other important things – rather than daily tasks. Having one on your wall is great for forcing you to remember what you have going on. Having one on your phone is great for on-the-go if you need to add something or double-check an important date. Although the information should be the same, having it in two places is convenient.

Utilize reminders on your phone
I thought these were silly until I started using them. If you have to call someone at a specific time, have an assignment due at 11:59 pm, even if you have to take birth control at the same time each day- reminders keep you on track. It’s so easy to lose track of time when you’re not staring at a clock, but your phone yelling at you doesn’t let you miss your deadline.

Keep a notepad nearby
There have been so many times I remembered something random I need from the store or an idea I wanted to try, only to forget about it until it was too late. Writing something down when you think about it saves you the time and stress of trying to remember that thing you can’t think of. It’s easier to refer back to your notes than to try and backtrack your train of thought.

Have doubles of stuff you use often
No, I’m not talking about chapstick, but the same ideas apply. For example, I have a purse phone charger and a house phone charger. Whatever items you need often and take with you everywhere, get an extra! This has eliminated so much unnecessary stress for times like when I wake up late and forget to grab something or stay out later than I expected and my phone dies. When you know you already have everything you need with you, you can spend less time preparing for the day.

Maintain a clean living space
Make your bed each morning! This sounds so typical, but it works. It starts your day with an accomplishment and gives you the motivation to keep working throughout the day. Staying tidy helps you focus on the things you have to get done for the day. I always work better when I have room to get things done and I’m not worried about when I’m going to put those clothes away. Plus, even if your life is in shambles if your room looks good it kind of tricks you into thinking you have it together.

Be able to say no
It’s overwhelming and discouraging to look at your planner and see you probably won’t have enough time to finish everything you need to because you’ve overbooked yourself. Whatever goes undone gets pushed into the timeslot of something else, only setting you back further. Being able to say no (unapologetically) is one of the most powerful tools when it comes to setting yourself up for success. If you know you won’t have time to complete something, or energy to complete it effectively, save yourself the worry and say no! The quality over quantity rule definitely applies to your tasks!

I picked up a new weekly planning pad and whiteboard calendar from Target the other day – both for under $10! It took me MAYBE 5 minutes to write down everything I have this month on my calendar, and I add to my weekly planner for a few minutes daily as things come up. These things are easy, cheap, and effective.

Using the tools I gave you is so simple, you barely have to do anything. Your life will organize itself before you know it if you’re setting yourself up for success. Being prepared and having your shit together is not just motivation to keep going, but it also increases productivity. You will be doing more and doing it better!

What are some of your favorite ways to stay organized? How do you use planning tools to your advantage? If it’s the motivation you’re lacking, check out my post titled Sophia Amoruso… I Love You.
Let me know how this stuff works for you babes!!

Cass ♡

Founder of Saving Serendipity. Spread love. Seek knowledge. Share ideas. Subscribe to blog

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  1. Alaina says:

    Okay you motivated me let’s do it

    1. c3mcvey says:

      YES hunny I went crazy on the planners so I have an extra if you’d like one hehe

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