Places Travel


Incline Village, Nevada

I have never thought to myself, “I would love to vacation somewhere where it is 18 degrees outside with strong winds :)” So when I was approached with the offer to fly to Nevada and go on a ski trip, my immediate answer was no. However, I knew this was important to my family and felt the guilt of knowing how many things my parents have done for me that they probably weren’t too excited about, so I decided to go.

About two years ago, I had a terrible experience attempting to learn how to ski with some people who I now realize had no intention of teaching me. Long story short I promised myself I would never touch a ski again. HA. I’m also not a huge fan of being cold or last-minute plans. Okay fine, I was scared, terrified actually. But I ended up loving it? To my surprise, I had a great time.

We landed Thursday night and as soon as I stepped outside I was looking like this. I was not cut out for this weather and I truly did not think I would survive the walk to the car. You think I’m being dramatic? I get cold in 70 degrees in Arizona okay. I was dying.

Day 1

I woke up with an overwhelming sense of regret, trying to remind myself to be a good sport. I was getting dressed for a while, I felt like a 7 layer burrito, but somehow still cold. Then I had an epiphany, I look good in snow clothes. The pants? The jacket? Beanies? CUTE. I can do this.
We got to the mountain and got all of our equipment to make us look like we knew what we were doing. I knew I was going to be having a lesson with my mom and Chloe to learn how to ski, but to my surprise, we arrived two (2) hours early.

During my lesson, I LEARNED HOW TO SKI! I was going fast, making turns, and had mastered the art of pizza/french fry. I was feeling pretty good about my skills. Until I was informed that I was now ready to move to a green slope. I had been on the bunny. The flattest ground possible. But I didn’t let this shocking news stop me!! I tried the green one baby. The best part: I made it. Yes, it had been 7 hours since I started skiing. Yes, it took me that long to get off the bunny. Yes, I was proud. We ended the day on a positive note having all made it down successfully (except for me eating shit getting off the lift, causing everyone else in my family to also eat shit).

I didn’t realize we were on the state border, so we drove about 20 minutes and ended up in California to take Chloe ice skating. Now, my ankles were disintegrating at this point, but it was so worth it. Seeing the look on Chloe’s face when she thought she single-handedly taught me how to ice skate was priceless. It was also hilarious to see her try and figure out how we traveled to a different state in such a short amount of time. We ended the night the best way we knew how- cozy by the fire and eating pizza.

Day 2

My mom and I had some freaky Friday thing going on because I woke up excited to go try again (who am I?), and she was feeling less than. Besides waking up sore, I was ready to master the green. Until I got there. It was snowing, windy, and a thousand times colder than day 1. It physically hurt every inch of my body to stand outside. I tried to fight it off by skiing my hardest, but it was so windy, I kept coming to a complete stop. I did a few good runs then me and moms decided to tap out. I sat by the fire and binged some Reese’s then passed out. The heart wants what it wants you know.

I woke up to the wonderful news we were going to dinner at the Lone Eagle Grille. I’d never been there obviously, but my dad said “did you wanna put makeup on :)” so I figured it was nice LOL. Best food I’ve ever had. I ate myself into oblivion, so much so I had no control over my hand as it unbuttoned my tight ass jeans at the dinner table.

All in All

I’m so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone for this because I had an amazing time. It was hard and exhausting but it was also new and exciting. We all enjoyed some much-needed family time including a few intense games of Scrabble (that I won). Some may say I, in fact, did not win, which is rude and completely untrue.

I don’t necessarily see myself doing this again in the near future, but I am so grateful for having gone. I think I grew more as a person, doing something that scared me, being uncomfortable with the environment around me, and still having fun. Thank you to my family and Incline Village, Nevada for this sweet serendipitous vacation.

Cass ♡

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