

The Difference Between Juvederm and Restylane

I had never seriously considered doing this until I had the opportunity to be a model for students learning how to do filler lol. I love a good deal, and for whatever reason, I’ve always loved being a human guinea pig.

In early January, I got a full syringe of Restylane. As I was leaving my appointment, I was terrified of my face. My lips had completely lost their shape and it just looked like a big puffy mess. I wanted to turn right back around and have it dissolved, but I powered through the swelling. I had to go to work immediately after (bad idea) so I wasn’t too proactive with icing my lips. I was bruised and swollen for like maybe three days, but the day after my appointment I was on a plane to Nevada where it was snowing and 18 degrees outside. I think this is why my swelling and bruising didn’t last too long since my entire face and body was being iced by the snow.

After about a week, maybe two, I felt like I could barely notice a difference but I also thought it might have been because I had gotten used to the swollen fish lips. I hadn’t necessarily wanted huge lips, but I wanted to be able to see a difference, and it seemed like each day it was less and less noticeable.

Flash forward to early February. I decided to get another full syringe but of Juvederm this time. I went somewhere else this time to see how being a patient versus a practice face would differ. As I was leaving, my lips were barely swollen. It definitely looked like they had been filled, but they still had their shape and weren’t taking up a majority of my face.

The lady who gave me the second injections was visibly shocked when I told her I had gotten a full syringe only a month ago, and after some feeling around in my lips said I barely had any left. I had some swelling later that night and the next morning, but by the third day, they were looking how they would remain. I didn’t really have any bruising other than tiny dots on two of the injection sites.

My lips still look perfect, and I 100% think that is the difference between Restylane and Juvederm. Swelling is to be expected, but after seeing the difference in how much swelling there was, I was so surprised. I was also surprised to see that Restylane only lasted about a month, compared to the average 10-month time span it promises. Juvederm is allegedly supposed to last an average of a year, so we’ll see how it holds up.

Juvederm is more expensive, but I understand why now. Everyone’s bodies will react differently to things, especially a foreign substance filling your lips. I guess my body wasn’t a huge fan of Restylane. It could also be because the fillers are a bit different. They’re both hyaluronic acid fillers, but Juvederm is a “smooth” filler, meaning it doesn’t leave little bumps or stay in one place. I’ve noticed it is a lot more malleable, but only if you want it to be.

So after getting both types of filler, I’ve been able to answer the silly questions I had and realize the things people don’t tell you before you get them:

Does it hurt?
Um, not really. I was super nervous but it just feels weird. It’s like a little pinch then it literally feels like your lips are getting pumped up.

Can I use half the syringe now and save the rest for another time?
Yes! I thought about doing this, but I’m so glad I didn’t. Once the swelling goes down, you see that one syringe really isn’t that much. I don’t think I’d even have a noticeable difference with half.

Can you feel the filler in your lips?
If I touch my lips and pinch them I can kinda feel it in there and roll it around, but when my face is at rest it feels no different.

  • Drinking out of a straw feels a little weird for the first few days
  • Once the swelling goes down you’ll want to rub and roll out the filler so its smoother
  • Kissing doesn’t feel any different lol I don’t know why I thought it would
  • Get injected by someone who uses Brilliant Distinctions so you can get points and deals
  • Be vocal and clear about what you want! It’s your face and your nurse will not be offended if you don’t like it or want something to be done differently

If there’s any other questions you have that I forgot, feel free to ask! I’m so happy I decided to get my lips done on a whim because I think it is such a fun addition to my face, and I like the idea of it not lasting forever.

Cass ♡

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