
Put The Scissors Down

Whether it be getting stood up for a movie (me last night), waking up at an undesirable time (me this morning), or accidentally deleting an entire blog right before launch (me tonight), something is probably causing you unnecessary stress.
It can be hard to get some R&R when you’re worried about whatever shitstorm is brewing. Maybe you feel stuck in a stage of life and are reaching for a change. Whatever it may be, put the scissors down.

I know the clock may look like it says Hair Cut O’Clock, but it’s just 4 A.M. I caught myself being toxic and asking questions like, “Should I get bangs?” when deep down I know the answer will always be no.
Most of us have been fallen soldiers in the war against the DIY stress haircut. So how do we combat these poor drastic choices? Literally anything except going near the tools of regret.

The best thing to do is get some sleep, but if you’re like me and find that to be difficult, I have some other things that work.
Eat a snack. When it’s late and I’m stressy, I let myself indulge. Let yourself drift into a food coma and forget all the worries that almost made you do the bathroom bob.
Do a facemask. It sounds so basic, but when I exfoliate with a good mask, it almost gives me a sense of change by revealing a fresher face. The Cup O’ Coffee mask from Lush is a personal fav. The smell of coffee makes me feel so cozy and relaxed.
Make a detailed list. It could be anything. A goal list. A to-do list. A grocery list. A list of things you’re grateful for. A list of places you want to go. I love making lists when I need to keep my mind busy. It forces your mind to focus on something else, and you’ll have to think harder the longer your list gets. It also keeps your scissor fingers occupied so you can’t do the crazy cut.

Remember, whatever is bothering you can be resolved faster than your hair will grow. Drink some hot tea and maybe some Zzzquil. In my experience (there’s quite a few), it’s always better to sleep on it, wake up and realize you don’t actually want that haircut, and take on the day.

Cass ♡

Founder of Saving Serendipity. Spread love. Seek knowledge. Share ideas. Subscribe to blog

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