
I’m A Bad Bitch You Can’t Kill Me!

Miss Rona Is Ruining My Life but Not My Health

9 Ways to Stay Busy While Social Distancing

I’m bored. And I’m scared. and I’M TIRED. Everyone has been talking about social distancing, but my work has been insane. I’ve been working my ass off for the past two weeks, and have been so looking forward to my first day off so I could indulge in some retail therapy. HOWEVER, this virus is taking a toll on that.

I’ve just been wanting to buy some shorts but everyone wants to buy 18,000 rolls of toilet paper??! By now, most stores have closed, and if they’re open, I don’t even want to go out. I’m scared of the crazies and also slightly of the virus. I’d feel SO BAD if I was a carrier and didn’t know, and also don’t wanna be one of the people who’s the reason employees are still having to show up for work 🙁

These mixed emotions I’ve been having have been forcing me to prepare for the quarantine, and decide how I might want to spend my time. I can only online shop so much, and eventually, the warehouses will probably stop shipping. Lots of people will be working from home, but lots of people, like myself who do things like service, won’t be. It’s super important to maintain a schedule, even when there’s nothing to do. So I’ve come up with some ideas on how to keep yourself from going bonkers during the isolation period.

I have a pretty decent stock of art supplies and have been racking my brain on how to stay mentally busy in case the world comes to a halt, but who knows if I’ll actually do any of these things. But here is my list of to-do’s to keep yourself from going crazy:

  • Plant something so you have something to do each day (water & check growth)
  • Redecorate your room – I got a bunch of little vinyl stickers from Amazon and created an accent wall, it was pretty time consuming and tedious (a great way to stay busy)
  • Paint with different mediums (acrylic on canvas, watercolor on paper, tempera on wood)
  • Make candles (pick scents, colors, jars, wicks, wax)
  • Sew or knit (lots of tutorials to learn how on YouTube)
  • Give yourself and others you’re in quarantine with matching stick and poke tattoos to remember the pandemic forever
  • Do a home workout routine
  • Start an interactive memory journal with photos and concert tickets and things like that, like a scrapbook but cooler
  • Declutter your wardrobe (maybe even make some money by posting them on depop or offerup)
  • Try new recipes for baking and cooking (vegan recipes can be delicious and don’t call for too many items that are in demand right now)

It’s been hard to find the motivation to do ANYTHING since this all started, but I know at least for me I’m much happier when I have things to do. I’m also trying not to get down on myself if I find myself doing nothing, but I’m out of school and out of a job so it’s like? I want to wake up early and get my day going but for WHAT. So far, I’ve found a lot of joy in trying on everything I own and getting rid of things that don’t fit, baking, and going on walks around the neighborhood.

If you have any ideas or things you’ve been doing to stay busy while social distancing I’d love to hear what’s working and not working for you!

Cass ♡

Founder of Saving Serendipity. Spread love. Seek knowledge. Share ideas. Subscribe to blog

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